Hoyts Becomes Second Company To Flimsily Say They Might Save Tropfest

Australia is still in one of the five stages of grief over the cancellation of iconic short film festival Tropfest (we’re still in the ‘depression’ stage, personally).
To make things worse, companies are now making half-hearted gestures and insincere remarks that they might save our beloved Tropfest, but not seeming to actually, erm… do it.
First, it was Presto, who gained a helluva lot of publicity by announcing they’d save the festival. *crickets* There has been no word of their grand gesture since. 
Now, Hoyts might be doing the same. 

Hoyts CEO Damien Keogh has said this to the ABC‘s The Business:

“We think Tropfest is very important for the Australian movie scene. There has been some internal discussions about how or where we may be able to get involved in those kind of things moving forward.

“We’ve had a very, very strong year in Australian box office which is great; The Dressmaker is doing really good business at the moment at over $10 million, we’ve had Oddball which did very well, Paper Planes earlier in the year and obviously the Water Diviner and Mad Max.

“From a personal perspective I think our Australian movie and our Australian creative area of our business — we need to continue to invest in it and particularly culturally significant movies and content.”
But, no hard promise, no statement, no facts. 
WHY DO YOU TOY WITH US, SO? Our poor, poor hearts. 
via ABC.
Image: Joosep Martinson via Getty.