Google Knows What You Did, Has Dropped ‘Top Searches’ Lists For 2015

Oh Australia, you’re a curious bunch. This year, you wanted to learn how to tie a tie. You endeavoured to find out where Tunisia is, and 2015 was the year you finally solved the mystery that is gluten. Of course, we know this, because Google told us, and at this point, Google know everything.

But seriously. 

The closest thing we have to Skynet let their top search queries for 2015 loose on the world tonight, and they deliver a pretty clear image of all the SFW stuff we get up in front of our screens. 
For the record, we went off chops for a little thing called Netflix, which was the numero uno search overall; ball-handlers nationwide made sure the Rugby World Cup was a runner-up, followed by searches about Lamar Odom.

Paris topped the searches for news content, understandably, while people were also keen to get the latest on the Bali 9 and Mick Fanning’s run-in with his aquatic mate. 

Some surprises pop up, too: “How to screenshot on Mac” ranks an impressive third on “How to…” searches, and hilariously, “Who is the Prime Minister of Australia” makes a strong appearance at #7 on the “Who is…” list. 

You can get around the full lists here, and you really should, even if to catch up on the free time black hole that is Agario. If not, though, Google have been nice enough to sum up their take on global goings-on in this sweet little clip. Feel lucky below:


Story: Google.
Photo: Youtube.