Gina Rineheart Pens Another Advice Column For Poors, Gives Shout Out To Homegirl Margaret Thatcher

In the latest issue of Australian Resources and Investments magazine, Australia’s premier quarterly mining journal dedicated to providing readers with cutting-edge insights into resource developments and what’s hot in swimwear trends (widely available at all good Qantas Club Business Lounges), regular love and advice columnist Gina Rinehart has bequeathed unto her favourite receptive audience, The Jealous Poors, the latest in fiscal wisdom, pouring one out for the late Margaret Thatcher in the process.

Beginning by admonishing Australians for “living beyond our means”, Rinehart of House Hancock writes that we “have to work hard or actually harder and smarter to create the revenue to be able to pay that bill.” Contrary to all that good will and fiery ambition your parents, sister-ployees, work oracles, Nancy Meyers movies and HBO programming likely instilled in you, Gina adds, “Something has to give [and] we can’t do it all.” 
Then, anticipating an inevitable backlash with heretofore untold prescience, Rinehart notes that “I can already hear The Left boiling with rage that I dare challenge their ‘bottomless pit’ and the belief that money doesn’t have to be earned before it is spent mentality. More nasty twisted articles will appear, forests and splinters of them. But every day Australia goes further into debt with no clear planning operation to get back even close to where we were.”
In a week that has also seen Rinehart fall ten places in the latest Billionaire List from Forbes Magazine from No. 36 to No. 46 of 50 (despite her wealth increasing to an estimated $A19.89 billion) she concludes by giving a shout out to the late British Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher, who had little tolerance for “lefties or ‘non-courageous wets’ and self-interested power mongrels” and instead advocated “hard work.”
Speaking of hard work and, tenuously, ‘non-courageous sweats’, do you know where one might be able to purchase this sweatshirt?
Asking for a friend. 
[It’s Gina Rinehart.]
Photo: Tony Ashby via Getty