Gina Rinehart, Not A Doctor, Told Her Workers To Drink Hot Water To Prevent The Coronavirus

Billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart, who is Australia’s richest person and among the richest women in the world, has shared her tips for warding off the coronavirus, and it’s pretty much the same pseudoscientific bullshit found in boomer chain emails and Facebook conspiracy groups.

In a three-page letter to employees of Hancock Prospecting’s Roy Hill mine obtained by The West Australian newspaper, Rinehart reiterated the widespread myth that drinking hot water can prevent COVID-19.

“COVID-19 does not like heat so twice daily please boil some water, serve hot with fresh lemon pieces or juice and honey to taste (add whisky if you wish at night),” she wrote in the letter.

“Your health and safety is something I have discussed with several doctors and read much about.

“These [tips] are provided with my best wishes and replicate what I am doing personally.”

There is no evidence to suggest drinking hot water can prevent the disease, and those viral social media posts saying otherwise are simply not based in fact. The human body is 37 degrees Celsius and drinks made with hot water, like coffee and tea, are widely consumed around the world.

Rinehart also suggested taking turmeric, ginger, garlic and intravenous Vitamin C daily, The West Australian reported.

However, some of the other advice included in the letter was more in-line with what health authorities are actually recommending, namely wearing facemasks in public and using disinfectant.

In a lengthy legal disclaimer, the letter also stated this medical advice shouldn’t be followed without first consulting a doctor.

To be fair, Rinehart did donate $2.6 million to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Foundation to join an international clinical trial for a potential COVID-19 treatment. That’s roughly 0.00018% of her net worth (according to Forbes), but it’s better than nothing.

It’s the same trial her Queensland counterpart Clive Palmer also donated to after Donald Trump touted the drug as a “game changer”.