‘Forza Horizon 3’ Hilariously Shrunk The ‘Strayan Map To Fit It In The Game

ICYMI, ‘Forza Horizon 3’ was presented at E3, and it’s set right here in good ol’ ‘Straya! Nice!
Just take a bloody look at this scenery, and revel in the gorgeous country we live in:
It’s rather pretty, is it not?
However, they did have to make some rather large changes to, erm…. well, the whole country. 
What the makers of the game may have failed to realise is, although Australia is really damn good-lookin’, it’s also really damn big. 
So all of our amazing tourist spots that they’d want to include in the game, for example the Twelve Apostles and Uluru, are all REALLY FAR AWAY FROM EACH OTHER. 
So, they’ve had to squash Australia. They’ve just done gone and smooshed it. 
You can drive from Surfers Paradise to Byron Bay… along the Great Ocean Road? And if you head west just before hitting the Twelve Apostles, you’ll find yourself in the Yarra Valley. Keep going from there, and you are in ‘The Outback‘. 
See for yourself in the below gif, there’s some interesting smooshing:
Source: Youtube / ABC
Photo: Forza 3.