Fight Club, Avatar, Top Gun Condensed Into Epic Full Movie Length Gifs

Summing up the current web climate whereby people possess only two things—one, cripplingly short memory spans, and two, an unhealthy appreciation of GIFs—the work of an Internet Czar has been born, as a legend who duly noted the aforementioned two traits of milennials, has been reciveing the rounds today as his Full Movie GIFs are fawned over in utter veneration.

Exactly as their namesake suggests, full movie gifs condenses films (in what looks like a selection of maybe every few hundredth frame?) into a dizzying, silent flash before the eyes, of two hour films transformed into a guiltily digestible sixty seconds.

Reddit user Matt01ss has since made his subreddit private, but according to Wired he said the phenomenon was particularly fascinating because, “You see interesting things with color changes, camera angles and overall production style when viewed in this fashion.”

Watch Fight Club and Avatar below. Motion sickness AND spoiler alert, obviously.


Via Wired