Every Country’s Emoji Usage Got Analysed: ‘Straya’s Emoji Game Strong AF

Uh oh. Are these emoji’s always next to each other in your ‘Recently Used’ section? 

Swiftkey, the company that creates the emojis you know and love, has analysed their data country by country, and they’ve totally got us down pat. 
First of all, don’t panic – those emojis are our ‘Recently Used‘ too. And despite this, we use raunchy emojis far less than other countries! (So let’s work harder, yes?)
However, we are pretty naughty on the ‘vice’ front: we used the alcohol emojis twice as much as the global average, the drug emoji 65 percent more than the average, and nearly twice the average with junk food emojis.
Some of our absolute favourites include:
  • Smiling poo 
  • Beers 
  • Rabbit  (I’m sure this has nothing to do with South Sydney‘s Grand Final win coinciding with the time the data was being collected)
  • Lollipop 
  • Coffee 
  • Pill  (They might have picked up on the fact we aren’t talking about paracetamol, guys)
  • Coy Smiley Face 
So there we are. For we are nothing if not critical of our emoji game. 
Image: my desktop background / Emojipedia