Dictionary Now Includes LOL, OMG and <3

English language traditionalists are climbing onto the nearest ledge today after a revised edition of the Oxford English Dictionary included the the debut emoticon (<3) and a bunch of IM spawned acronyms. LOL.

This is a massive watershed moment with the 4chans of the cyber world perpetuating and popularizing certain internet slang to the point where a 127-year old lexicon has to explain that a heart means love. IMHO, anyways.

Among other dubious additions, the amended list includes OMG [OMG int. (and n.) and adj.]: ‘Oh my God’, LOL [LOL int. and n./2]: ‘laughing out loud’, BFF (‘best friends forever’) [BFF at B n.], while Aussie cultural additions include Flat White [n.] and Tragic [n., a ‘boring or socially inept person, esp. one with an obsessive interest or hobby’].

Obesity is responsible for “Muffin Top” being added, while UK journalism has ushered “WAGS” into the list.

The most questionable appendage though is the heart symbol (<3) – which becomes the first graphic to ink the pages of the dictionary. It almost makes you ponder the end of linguistic evolution. It would appear we’ve finally come full circle and are now beginning our descent back towards stone cave paintings as a means of expressing ourselves. And notifying nearby tribes of the whereabouts of yaks.