Daniel Andrews Vows To Save Safe Schools In VIC, Even If Turnbull Axes It

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews continues to kick all sorts of PR and political goals for his state, and he barely even has to try.

That ~definitely necessary~ independent review into the Safe Schools program – y’know, the one that fosters safe, inclusive educational environments for LGBTQI youths and promotes an anti-bullying culture that was alleged to have been secretly indoctrinating kids into a Marxist agenda because THAT’S PRECISELY THE KIND OF THING REAL-LIFE HUMAN BEINGS WOULD DO, RIGHT? – was delivered late last night. Not only did it find that, nope, none of that ridiculous bullshit was really happening, but when the results were read aloud the deadshit idiots who pushed for the review stormed out of the room like they just got caught pissing on the tiles and were made to go to bed without dessert.
Despite the fact that it is entirely unlikely that the Turnbull Government will bow to the incessant bleating of the very, very, very, very, very right-wing, Premier Andrews has gone ahead and gotten ahead of the game, just in case something drastic does go down.
Taking to his ever-active Facebook page, Andrews promised that Safe Schools will continue to exist in Victoria, even if Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull decides to yank its funding, unleashing an almighty sledge on Cory Bernardi in the process.

Well, the bad news is that the Liberals are still on the warpath about Safe Schools, a brilliantly effective program…

Posted by Daniel Andrews on Tuesday, 15 March 2016

“Well, the bad news is that the Liberals are still on the warpath about Safe Schools, a brilliantly effective program designed to stamp out bullying, not pile it on.

But, there is some good news.

If the Turnbull Government decided to cut the funding for this program, I’m proud to announce that the Victorian Government will make up the shortfall.

We’ll lock that funding in at a state level – because if it saves just one life, it’s worth it.

Safe Schools is officially saved in Victoria, and it will have a place in our schools long after Cory Bernardi and the rest of his dinosaurs eventually disappear from the Senate.”

Honestly, the dude barely even has to try. He’s getting lobbed the softest of softballs and he’s lazily belting them out of the park.

Source: Facebook.
Photo: Scott Barbour/Getty.