Cory Bernardi Tried To Quote Voltaire, Quoted A Neo-Nazi Pedo Instead

Shortly before beginning to write this article, this is a very true and real conversation that happened between two PEDESTRIAN.TV writers:

Alex: “Wonder what Cory Bernardi’s doing atm.”
Chloe: “Yeah we haven’t heard of him doing anything fucken stupid recently.”
Alex: “Weird.”
Chloe: “Yeah, super weird.”
*2 minutes later*
Chloe: “Oh don’t worry, today he’s tweeted a quote thinking it was Voltaire but it’s actually by a Neo-Nazi with child porn charges.”
Alex: “Oh right, of course.”
That’s right, reader! Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi posted a tweet a few days ago, which he thought was from revolutionary French philosopher Voltaire
Unfortunately, the quote actually happened to be from a leader of a white supremacy group! A bloke called Kevin Alfred Strom, who – on top of all the violent racism – has also been up on child porn charges! So, just an all-round top bloke, clearly. 
Here he is! Say hi to white supremacist paedophile Kevin:
Now, we’re paraphrasing here. Kev reckons he is absolutely, tooootally not a white supremacist. But, he does have this quote (from himself) up the top of his ‘About’ page of his terrifying website:
“Race-formation and separation are essential processes of evolution, which could not exist without them.” – Kevin Alfred Strom
Yeeeeesh. Anyway, Cory Bernardi totally thought that Strom’s quote belonged to a French philosopher, and so Twitter spent all of today misquoting Voltaire to make fun of him. Like, what the fuck else were we supposed to do?

That is some A++ level trolling there, Aus-Twitter. Ya did good. 
via Twitter.