Clive Palmer’s Twitter Has Finally, Officially Cooked It, And It’s Glorious

If you drew a Venn diagram of wealthy mining magnates and deliciously loose units, Clive Palmer would sit right, smack bang in the middle. The businessman and former politician, whose company Mineralogy remains locked in an ugly legal battle with its estranged Chinese business partner, appeared to crack it earlier this week, sending out a series of bizarre Tweets about his fast food cravings, specifically his love of hamburgers
Old mate is currently trying to shed some kilos – he posted late last year that he was down from 153kg to 111kg, with “only 20 more to go” – and he recently noted that he’s almost past the “100kg barrier.”

His recent obsession with hamburgers, hot dogs, Tim Tams and other forbidden foods may come down to diet. Seriously, who hasn’t stared lustily at a bag of salt and vinegar chips in the cupboard and imagined just ripping the entire thing open and slamming it down their gullet in one go? Who knows, though, maybe the guy just really likes burgers?

Over the last couple of days, his Twitter has become even more lit, if that’s even possible. For example, on Wednesday, he allowed allowed himself a Tim Tam, just the one, but apparently it stirred up a lot of feelings:

Then came the haikus. So many haikus. Or possibly tiny, poetic cries for help:

Today, things have gotten even more … interesting:

Clive’s Twitter has more feelings than an early 2000s emo song right now.

Source: Twitter.
Photo: Twitter.