Brace Yerselves, East Coast: The Cold Fronts Are Still Bloody Comin’

Thought you’d gotten through the worst of this cold front, hey? Thought that those brutal morning early rises were going to be softened? Thought you’d seen the end of this nonsense?
You’re bloody wrong, mate.
There’s another cold front lingering over Adelaide right now, and it’s about to freeze our mates in Victoria and Tasmania. Melbs is only reaching a top of 12ºC today, which will probably feel like 1ºC anyway. Put on that lovely coat you just bought, guys.
Victoria has also been issued warnings about potential severe wind, so you’ve also got that going for you if you’re keen on it.
Sunny Sydney isn’t spared from the cold either – the brief respite we’ve had over the past couple of days is about to get brutally gross again. Lucky the Bureau of Meterology has given us an animated GIF of our impending doom.

Rug up.
Photo: The Shining.