Anthony Albanese’s Tenant Is Publicly Begging Not To Be Evicted, But The PM Won’t Be Swayed


Anthony Albanese‘s long-term rental tenant has publicly pleaded to remain in the property after he was kicked out, but the prime minister isn’t interested.

Jim Flanagan, 45, has been living in one of Albanese’s investment properties for four years. However, the small business owner was served an eviction notice after Albanese decided to sell the property.

Flanagan took to media to beg for the PM to reconsider, but Albanese has dismissed his pleas and reiterated his right to do what he wants with his own property — especially because of the good deal he gave Flanagan for the rent.

“People’s personal circumstances change and my personal circumstances and the changes have been pretty public,” Albanese told ABC Radio National, referring to the fact that he’s getting married.

“The person who’s in the property, in his own words, I have been a more than fair owner of that property.

“He’s a small business owner. I have had him in the property with the rent being about half what is the market rent.

“I am entitled to make decisions in my personal life including selling a property that I own because I wish to move on in my personal life in a different direction. The property was bought when my personal circumstances were different.”

Jim Flanagan has been speaking to media about his unfortunate circumstances. Image: Seven.

Flanagan, for his part, said he’s “never refuted or disputed” the fact that as his landlord, Albanese can essentially do what he wants.

“He is absolutely entitled to issue a termination notice 100 per cent. I have nothing against Albo personally. Or property owners,” he said.

“But I guess there’s just … when you’re a renter, there is a power disconnect between landlords and renters.

“Ideally, I guess we’re just looking for a little bit more of a considerate approach when it comes to evictions, terminations issues, notices to vacate.

“And I guess I was just a little surprised that I wasn’t afforded that.”

Flanagan said the messy way his eviction was handled seemed “misaligned” with Labor’s attempts to appear as though it takes the housing crisis seriously.

“This will kill me, it’s a crippling blow right now,” he told the The Daily Telegraph, noting that heaps of Aussies across the nation were struggling to find homes as the rental crisis worsens and the cost of living gets higher.

Flanagan currently rents Anthony Albanese’s Dulwich Hill property which goes for $680 a week. According to, the market rate is $800 — and Albanese reckons Flanagan should be grateful he’s had it so good.

I’ll be honest, if we live in a reality where $680 a week for a rental is good or below market value, then things are already broken. Normalise it not being considered “lucky” to be able to afford shelter.