The Pics Of The Storm Heading In From Adelaide Are Fucked, So Melb, It Was Nice Knowing Ya

Adelaide storm

Yesterday it was forecast that most of Australia will experience some form of extreme weather this week, and Miss Climate has not disappointed. While Sydney is fucking sweltering, a cooked storm just hit Adelaide — and now it’s about to pummel Melbourne.

People all over Twitter are posting pictures and videos of the wild Adelaide storm, which started off as some spooky cloud formation before devolving into full hailstorm chaos. RIP to everyone that left their car outside, because those are going to be battered like fries in a fish ‘n’ chips shop.

Check out all the pics below.

NSW just had massive hail a few weeks ago, resulting in a Westfield’s roof caving in. I was *not* expecting to see another bout of hail like that so soon.

I’m sorry but these are not hail stones, these are GOLF BALLS.

Oh look, a flood too.

The storm has since made its way from Adelaide towards Victoria, with the Victorian Department of Health issuing a thunderstorm asthma warning for everyone in the state, and especially residents of north-west Melbourne.

Thunder and roiling clouds have already been reported in the city, which is expected to experience pretty severe weather tonight.

To everyone in Melbourne: stay the fuck inside, and it was nice knowing ya.