1,000 Aussies Hug Lighthouse, Break World Record

It’s official: world records have passed the bonkers point and are now in new levels of batshittery territory.

We make this lofty claim with news that over 1,000 people broke one for – no joke – the largest number of people to hug a lighthouse at once. Not a group hug. A group lighthouse hug.

The lighthouse in question was the red and white candy-striped number at Geraldton, WA, known as the Point More Lighthouse.

And over a thousand people, made up of residents, tourists, and historians, turned up to hug it. The ABC managed to snap a photo of seven of ’em, presumably while the other 997 waited patiently off-camera for their ~turn in the history books~.

The whole hugging fandango was organised to coincide with International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW), when the forgotten lighthouses of yesteryear get the spotlight turned on them for bloody once.

Things! You learn ’em everyday.

Picture: Visit Geraldton.

via ABC.