The Second New Weird Al Clip Rescues A Beat Previously Ruined By Robin Thicke

Following on from yesterday’s Tacky effort, the second instalment of Weird Al Yankovic‘s #8videos8days project has dropped with all the clockwork-like regularity it promised.

Did you ever listen to Robin Thicke‘s much maligned ode to shortsighted male ownership and misogyny “Blurred Lines” and think that it was an awfully catchy tune completely ruined by some shockingly awful lyrical and thematic content? Well today is your lucky day!
Weird Al takes that ear-burner of a backing track and layers in some decidedly non-sexist lyrics, making this version much more worthy of your time.
Word Crimes will teach you a thing or two about proper spelling and grammar, or give you a smug sense of self-satisfaction if you’re one of those types who takes a sadistic little thrill out of correcting people’s linguistic efforts on the internet.
Though if you’re looking for a truly, completely, 100% inoffensive song, you might want to close your eyes and block your ears right at the end while Al shows his age a little bit and drops an errant use of the word “spastic.”
The clip also just so happens to be possibly one of the best of its kind ever put together.