Rebecca Black Reveals Extent Of Her Cyberbullying

Rebecca Black has been everywhere this week; her video Friday is easily the biggest viral meme since Lolcats. Yesterday she spoke out for the first time about the ridiculous amount of internet attention – most of it negative – she received since posting the video online.

Black’s a tough cookie for a teenager; she held strong as an ABC reporter (interview below) read her some of the more vitriolic comments on the clip in a live interview, saying ‘Well I guess that’s an accomplishment’ to one reader who said that he hated her and he’d never be able to get the song out of his head. But she then reveals that she’d been receiving feedback like ‘I hope you cut yourself, I hope you get an eating disorder so you’ll look pretty, I hope you go cut and die’ and she wasn’t as strong. The interviewer then talks to Black’s parents (read: lazy, rich) and the dudes behind production company Ark Music, in which we find out that the creepy rapper dude in the video is actually one of the guys behind the project – not a paedophile. Phew, close call there.

Despite all of that, the parodies keep coming in thick and strong. Triple J personality Brendan Maclean crashed the party with his ukelele/opera-inspired version, which was premiered on The Doctor‘s program yesterday afternoon:

So what do we get from all of this? Is it fair to tear strips off a 13 year old girl for sport? Shouldn’t her overindulgent parents be copping shit for Friday, rather than some innocent kid who’s now been directed towards suicide by a particularly vocal internet community? Besides, as the interview reveals (around the 3 minute mark), the girl can actually sing. If you made Rebecca Black cry, tell us how and why you did it. We’ll collect the best ones for a follow-up post, ‘Trolls: They’re Right Next Door’.

via DailyBeast.