Must-Have Ingredients For A Perfect Party

Maybe it’s not a great idea to take party tips from a group of dudes who call their band tour “Call The Cops”… but we should have thought about that before we asked the question. The trio of trouble DZ Deathrays, Yacht Club DJs and Bleeding Knees Club kick off their Call The Cops tour tonight at a sold out Melbourne show. There are only a few tickets left for Friday night’s show at The Factory Theatre in Sydney, so head to the website and grab one of the remaining few.

We asked the three respective clam bake factions to spill their Top 3 Party Must-Haves. Andrew W.K. better watch his back…

1. It has been my experience that a belligerent amount of strobe is the penultimate way to get socks rocking. They dichotomously make you want to die too (Im sure DZ will back me on this). The ultimate way being two strobes at different tempos.

2. It would be vehemently un-Australian not to mention goon and juice and apple/pear/bucket/bath bongs. A combination of these once lead a girl to lift up her dress and pee on the drummer from Hunting Grounds at one of our shows. Also, looks like the “new vintage take” on Puberty Blues wont hurt the popularity of these pastimes either (Claudia Karvan… a card carrying supporter of apple bongs from her Secret Life days).

3. Backflips. Not surer way than a backflip to make the night go from 6 to midnight. The less preparation the better.

1. MUST HAVE (preferably) Rich friends.
This is an essential because we are all pretty poor and people who have money especially money that’s been passed on to them love to spend it on their friends. It’s the best when they decide to shout beers and Mexican food. Tried and tested or a story about. Been to a party which was thrown by a friend of friend on Wall St in NYC and there was so much free tequila and vodka it was amazing. Don’t remember too much else.

This is essential because we all know the best tracks to get messed up to are the ones from your high school years. Tried and tested at every single party I’ve been to that was rad.

3. MUST HAVE ACTIVITY Your friends shitty band or preferably a good band.
This is what takes your party to the next level. Some might say its the ultimate game changer for a party and most importantly it’s likely to attract the police. Everyone knows the most essential part of a party is it has to get closed down the police.

1. Ipod/Iphone/laptopThis is an essential because music is a staple for any party worth going to! Unless you’re a bore that throws book parties where you each take turns reading a chapter. If you don’t have music try finding a transexual they’re always entertaining.

2. You have to start your party off slow try playing the soundtrack to Good Morning Vietnam it’s pretty balling most people will know a few songs that their parents used to play to them as kids, if your guests don’t know any of the songs they will pretend to, because liking old music is cool! after about an hour of that put on some Dre mixed in with some 90’s pop favourites like spice girls, this will get all the sluts dancing an the dudes thinking they are legit! By this time your party should be pretty dope! When you want your party to end blast the Cruel Intentions soundtrack it is Bi-polar, everyone will think they’ve had too many mushie’s an bail apart from the transexual, It will be having a threesome in your parents bed.

3. You will need a few party necessities to make your night a success! An occasion, most people want to get fucked up they just need a reason! A location, your living room will usually do & Make sure you have a vast supply of Party pleasers EG, alcohol, paraphernalia, beer bong, crugs & babes…..

Good luck. Party on. And may the gods give you merciful hangovers.