M83 To Score Tom Cruise Sci-Fi Flick

Electronic bliss purveyors M83 have secured the soundtrack for TRON:Legacy director Joseph Kosinski’s upcoming sci-fi film Oblivion, starring Tom Cruise.

Although TRON divided audiences, most counted the soundtrack provided by Daft Punk as a positive (perhaps the only one). Fingers crossed that the French outfit live up to the DP legacy and provide the perfect cinema ready beats for Cruise’s comeback. As long as there’s no talk of Scientology we’re excited.

The film is an adaptation of a graphic novel that centres around the journey of a lone ranger, played by Cruise, who is left to fight off alien invaders and care for fellow earthbound robots after all of civilisation hauls ass to the clouds. Then a hot babe crashes her spaceship, cue futuristic romance with appropriately uplifting and emotional musical prompts by M83. Like so:

Image Hannah Johnston for Getty Images.

Words by Tara Kenny.