Kirin J. Callinan Stars In The Most Amusing Film Clip You’ll See This Year

Talented handsome lady and dude who is very comfortable with himself Kirin J. Callinan has premiered a goofy frontrunner for the best Australian film clip of the year.

In the emotionally committed Tim & Eric style film clip for “Victoria M.” taken from the singer songwriter’s impressive debut album, Embracism, we see what happens when Kirin J Callinan directs Kirin J Callinan in a video starring Kirin J Callinan and other permutations of Kirin J Callinan previously unknown to the public and/or The Internet but now Dave Grohl-ing at the camera in some druggy SNL sketch of what the opening credits to a low budget Canadian soap opera might look like.

Award worthy wig game, smarmy evil rich guy and commitment to not breaking character.   

Embracism is out now via Siberia Records / Remote Control.