Kendrick Lamar Debuts ‘King Kunta’ Video In Times Square

UPDATE: Full version of the video below. 

The internet’s obsession du jour, Kendrick Lamar’s ‘To Pimp A Butterfly’ has been hanging tight on America’s coveted musical barometer of popularity, the Billboard 200, for its second week in a row – testament to its success of touching adoring fans and critics alike. Mazel tov, bb. 

The first single from the album, ‘King Kunta’ has just seen its worldwide premiere on a billboard in Times Square – undoubtedly delighting the tourists, hot dog vendors and comedy night hawkers to no end, and punching you—the fan—in the face with shaky Instagram footage as compensation. Sorry ’bout it. You can find dregs of the stuff below. From the few pixels I *can* discern, it feels more Kanye than it does Kendrick, but still hanging out for the HD rip to emerge.  
Kendrick also gave an interview on The Cruz Show overnight, revealing a verse that didn’t make the cut on his album, the original title of the record (“How Much A Dollar Cost”), the meaning behind the album’s fascinating and provocative artwork, while generally waxing lyrical about a record that is undoubtedly a milestone in his career. Watch after the jump. 


A video posted by Rob Markman (@robmarkman) on

King Kunta video

A video posted by Rob Markman (@robmarkman) on

Awesome debut of the “King Kunta” video in Times Square. Video out now

A video posted by 1200squad (@1200squad) on

Kendrick in conversation on ‘To Pimp A Butterfly’ below.