One Of The Glass Animals Lads’ Mums Wants To Get A Hottest 100 Tattoo On Her Ass, Too

glass animals tattoo hottest 100

After Glass Animals took out the Hottest 100 this year for their track ‘Heat Waves‘, the question on their fans’ lips was very simple – so when are you gonna get that tattoo of Australia on your ass then? Determined to find out more than just when it’s happening, we decided to get the boys on the blower and ask.

Singer Dave Bayley and drummer Joe Seaward caught up with PEDESTRIAN.TV to give us the details on how it’s all going, now it’s almost been a week since their big win.

Clearly, we Aussies have a knack for getting these boys to do ridiculous things, because three years after literally making a pork soda cocktail with us they’ve now found themselves having to plan to get a homage to Australia inked into their asscheeks after taking out the top spot.

Dave told me that it was super early in the UK when they were announced as the winner of the 2020 countdown, and he spent his morning running on adrenaline, calling the rest of the band, crying, and celebrating with a shitload of curry.

“It was early. It was so early,” he said.

“And I just thought ‘oh shit, I’ve got to tell my mum I’m getting a tattoo on my ass’. I tried to go to sleep, that lasted like 10 minutes ‘cos I had way too much adrenaline.

“I spoke to my mum and she was initially a bit like ‘why can’t you just get a fake one?’ I spoke to her for a bit and then she was like ‘you know what? I’m gonna get one too.’

“I told her that she absolutely should not get one.”

Not only does Dave now have to deal with his mum suddenly getting the tattoo itch and maybe standing in for bassist Ed Irwin-Singer who still thinks the rest of the band are “fucking idiots” for doing it, but he also told me it’ll be his first-ever tattoo, which is certainly a choice.

Luckily, Joe’s has a couple of cheeky blasters before, so he had some sage words when Dave asked how much it hurts.

“It feels like being scratched a bit,” he said.

“Like, an uncomfortable scratching.”

The boys tell me they’ve been working on getting the tattoos sorted for when the UK’s lockdown lifts, after first thinking about buying a tattoo gun and doing it themselves – which they fast realised was a fucking terrible idea.

“We’ve explored making our own tattoo guns and doing it ourselves,” Dave said.

“But none of us trust each other enough to do that.”

Joe quickly agreed, confirming that nobody in the Glass Animals fam is trusted enough to be given the power of wielding a tattoo gun.

“Nobody trusts anybody,” he said.

Apparently, guitarist Drew MacFarlane now wants to get a koala instead of an outline of Australia, which Dave says would turn out to be offensive if the rest of the band were given half a chance to do it.

“If one of us did it, it’d be a koala that also looked like a penis or something offensive, ” he said.

“But yeah, as soon as we’re allowed, we’ll get it done.”

Oh and that pork soda cocktail? Please relive it with us, because we refuse to open up this little repressed memory alone.
