Eminem Responded To Pink’s Collaboration Invite With The Ultimate Bro Move

So in case you didn’t know, Pink released a new album recently. On that album is a collaboration with Eminem. The absolute best part of this news, however, has nothing to do with what’s on the album, and everything to do with how that track came to be.

It turns out that Pink, like all mums of a certain calibre, loves a couple glasses of vino. In fact, she told Entertainment Weekly:

[Producer] Max [Martin] and I started making [the collab track ‘Revenge’], and I wrote this rap. We were drinking a lot of wine, and then I went home and I thought more wine would be a good idea.

And then she sent Eminem an email. A long, wine-drunk email.

This is why they call it liquid courage. And I said, ‘You know I love you. I like that you work with a lot of the same people, like Rihanna. She’s hotter than me, but I’m funnier. So I’m going for a rap Grammy, and I’d like to take you along with me.’

Eminem responded, she said, straight away.

With a single word.


And with that one word, the collaboration began. He got the track back to her within four days, and Pink loved it so much, she says, that she sent him another gushy email:

I emailed him again. I was, like, ‘This is the best thing I’ve ever heard! I want to tackle you and rub your face in the dirt!’ He just wrote back and was, like, ‘Okay.’

In another interview, Pink expanded on the exchange:

I reached out to him in this case. I love him. I’ve always loved him. I think he’s a lyrical genius. And, I just wrote him a love letter… I wrote him an email, and I said, ‘I love you. I’ve always loved you. I’ve loved you since you gave me your autograph at the 2001 MTV Music Video Awards…’ I just wrote this love letter, and he just wrote back, ‘OK.’

The man who’s being lauded high and low for a rap blasting his Trump-supporting fans to smithereens has all the email etiquette of your disinterested dad and your douchey high school boyfriend combined.

Incredible stuff.
