Dr. Dre Vs. Dr. Pepper

What do Guns n’ Roses’ “Chinese Democracy” and Dr. Dre’s “Detox” have in common? Well besides being eagerly awaited but oft delayed releases, both albums have been ingeniously incorporated into Dr. Pepper marketing campaigns. Dr. Dre – Dr. Pepper – get it? A union of our two favourite fictional Doctors after Dr. Doogie Howser and Doctor Phil.

Besides being a stroke of advertising fucking genius (people get paid to think of this stuff? Really?) the skin crawlingly bad video is notable for previewing a few seconds of Dre’s “Shit Popped Off,’ a previously leaked cut which will allegedly appear on Detox.

We’re all for musicians getting paid but seriously, previewing an eagerly awaited album by way of Dr. Pepper ad ranks as the second most embarrassing cash grabbing career move from an ex-NWA member. Having said that we still can’t wait to hear what he’s cooked up and will be first in line when the decade long followup finally drops.

Via Rolling Stone

Title Image by Chelsea Lauren via Getty