DJ Denies Justin Bieber’s Song Request, Tells Him To Put His Shirt Back On

Man who fears not the unhinged social media wrath of a billion Justin Bieber fans scorned, Michael Woods, has cooked up your Monday serving of schadenfreude after the British dance producer/DJ/hero vocalised the collective unconscious of the universe and told the Canadian pop star to fuck off and put his shirt back on.

The incident occurred after a shirtless Bieber and a small group of bodyguards approached Woods midway through his set at the Eden club in Seoul, South Korea on Thursday night and demanded he play hip-hop. A request the Brit veteran who deals primarily in progressive house and trance was unlikely to comply with seeing as DJs just love it when people they don’t know crash the booth and tell them how to do their jobs properly.     

Bieber, after being denied of his request and alerted to his missing shirt situation, retreated to his human shields bodyguards, but not before taking a “cheap shot” at Woods’ manager. . 

The story, according to Woods, goes like this: “Right, the story is @justinbieber + his army of heavy security muscled in to the booth half way thru my set in S. Korea demanding hip hop… So when I told him to fuck off and put some clothes on he took a cheap shot at my tour manager and instantly fled behind a wall of even more of his security.”

Hey, JB…