Another Justin Bieber Video Emerges, Wherein He Sings About Joining Ku Klux Klan

Proof positive that the dude had fucking terrible people surrounding him and that, at least at the age of fifteen, didn’t understand or care how racist he was being and was happy for someone to film this:

According to TMZ Team Bieber have been repeatedly extorted for the videos since they were made and Justin, one of the most recognised humans in the known world, has now decided “he wants people to see the video and he wants to accept responsibility.”

They have also reported that “Justin told both Usher and Will Smith about the videos, saying he knew almost immediately it was a stupid thing to do … Usher took him into a room and showed him historically racist videos to drive home how hurtful these words can be.” Presumably, and according his apology for the videos, Bieber’s views have since taken a U-Turn.