100 Single Ladies

If I were working at some digital meme factory I would combine a zany public flash mob (thinly veiled marketing message included) with 100 leotard clad beauties and the source material for an exorbitant amount of this year’s viral videos – Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”. Wait, this magical video already exists.

Following reinterpretations from famous friends, cute as a button toddlers, the morbidly obese and limp wristed male divas Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” prolongs its annoying level of ubiquity and death grip on the public consciousness with yet another video. This time 100 (count ’em) single ladies perform the song’s choreographed dance moves in London’s Piccadilly Circus.

I’ll explain the ad agency’s thought process with what I like to call meme-matics.



With the first two video garnering 10 million views a piece logic dictates that “100 Single Ladies” will clock up 20 million views by the time you read this.