‘Vego Gene’ Linked To Cancer, But Who Cares Cause You’re Gonna Die Regardless

Today in every single thing you ever do will somehow be instrumental to your absolute certain death because you are a mortal human being, apparently having what scientists call the ‘vegetarian gene’ puts you at a higher risk of cancer and heart problems.
Scientists at Cornell University in New York believe that people from countries with a long history of not eating meat (like South Asia or southern Africa) are likely to carry this gene mutation that could explain why they’re more vulnerable to high inflammation.
While the gene usually works to make up for the essential fatty acids these vego communities didn’t get, the advent of cooking oils (like sunflower or olive) means they’re now copping an omega-6 overload, which can lead to high inflammation, colon cancer and heart trouble.
If you’re just rogue vego from a long line of carnivores, don’t panic – you’re far less likely to suffer from the effect than those who had heaps of carrot-only ancestors. 
Interestingly, Inuit, who pretty much eat only omega-rich, oily fish and seals, don’t have any copies of the gene at all.

TL;DR: Pete Evans… HASOC.

Photo: Pinterest