A Boner Billboard Showing The Current Vax Rate Is Getting Sydney Excited For Freedom

billboard durex

Kind folks of NSW, we are so, so close to crushing our double-dose vax targets. And that means one thing and one thing only: FREEDOM DAY. You’re hearing it more and more. With freedom, comes great pleasure and by pleasure I mean a rootin’, tootin’ good time. That’s right, mates. After four months of a lockdown-induced dry spell for singles unable to mingle, (safe) sex is back on the table! Enter Durex.

It goes without saying that lockdown sucked a lot for people keen to get it on. Sussing the apps in lockdown – well, that’s one thing. But also dealing with, like, no sex at the same time is just bad for the horny libido.

For four months we had only the threat of COVID whispering sweet nothings into our ear. All we could do was wait and wait for signs of good news and finally, we have it.

Freedom Day is cumming. And it’s thanks to the thousands of people who have already gotten vaxxed in NSW, inching us closer and closer to our double-dose targets. But we’re not there yet. So to help bring people together, quickly and safely, Durex is giving away free condoms to fully vaccinated people in Sydney.

It’s double the protection, for yourself and your close contacts, when you get back out there.

Durex has even pulled together an Erectometer, a giant, mobile billboard set to cruise around Sydney on a two-day romp, starting today. It’s all in anticipation of Freedom Day, or FREE-DOM day, if you ask Durex. GET IT!?

The future’s looking sexy and freeeeeee. / Image supplied.

The Erectometer shows real-time NSW vaccination data and will hit vax climax once 80 per cent of people are double-jabbed. And because it’s all about promoting safe rootin’, you can expect to see the Erectometer whizz by Homebush, Rooty Hill, Balls Head, and Pleasure Point, plus more.

It only makes sense, right?

So if you’re currently waiting to get jabbed – ONYA – you can find more info about your double vax, Durex free condom stash online, right HERE.

Get that number up, so we can get it on!