4 Ways To Start Doing More For The World, If 2020 Has Made You Reassess Everything

2020 has changed us all.

We’ve been exposed to so much intensity this year and for the most part, it’s erupted in ways we probably never expected.

We’re bombarded daily with social media content that elevates the reality of these circumstances – it’s shifted our regular scrolling routines away from influencer’s Euro trips, bday gatherings and celeb promos, ultimately opening our eyes to why we might need to change our priorities.

Some of us have had that “lightbulb moment” of realising that we can’t just continue to live our lives on an endless pursuit of self-fulfilment – helping out others is just as important.

But how do we actually start to enact that change into our lives every day?

The whole concept of “making the world a better place” seems like a massive order. As young people who are more connected and informed than ever, implementing changes in our lives to actually benefit the greater good of humanity is part of our DNA.

We’ve been the ones fronting protests, sharing info, signing petitions and more – but what now? Because we’re more in the know than ever before, it’s actually easier to start to make your actions count towards the greater good every day.

So, if you’re currently in the midst of an existential crisis and want to become a force of change, here’s a few things you can do:

Pick A Career That’s Based Around Helping Others

If you’re looking to make meaningful change literally ~everyday~, choosing a career or industry to enter that’s founded on that idea is a great way to start.

Teaching, nursing, social work, emergency services and more are all careers that require individuals who are passionate about making an impact on the world around them.

If you’re not sure where to start on your path to becoming a global gamechanger, sussing out your study options and pathways is a good way to go. Unis around the country have adapted to the pandemic, offering up virtual open days for students (like this ACU one) to help students carve out a plan for their future.

Honestly, virtual open days look so dang beneficial – instead of getting caught up in collecting as many free tote bags as humanly possible, it actually provides the op to focus on info being provided which is just crucial to picking a degree.

Transform Your Feed

As mentioned earlier, social media habits have been altered immensely during this time.

But, as the world slowly shifts back into what we may know as ~normal~, reconsidering the content you consume moving forward will also have an impact on your relationship with the world around you.

We’re definitely not saying that those amongst us (me) who spend endless hours indulging in the IG shop tag and TikTok videos that unravel why Glee was so problematic can’t do good things for the world.

However, what we’re stimulated by influences our actions in a massive way, so making an effort to follow educational platforms and voices we may not be familiar with could be the key to unlocking your new worldly enlightenment.

Do Ya Bit For The Environment

Lessening our impact on the environment has become such a huge priority for so many of us – but unfortunately, using keep cups and rejecting plastic straws isn’t going to save the planet.

Starting off with at least one meat-free day a week is a simple way to reduce your contribution to Australia’s 270,79kg output of CO2 per person per year. It’ll also give you the change to up your veggie intake that’ll ultimately boost your mood and mentally-ready you for more world-changing, which truly sounds like a win-win sitch.

The options don’t just stop at meat-free Mondays – being super-mindful about your consumption in all aspects of life is an important step in slowly altering your habits and ultimately, helping the planet thrive in the process.

Donate Your Time

Donating money can be a bit of a stretch for some right now, but it doesn’t mean your pursuit to be a global citizen has to end there.

Donating your time is so priceless. Whether it’s an hour a week or a whole day, seeing progress being made by actions you’re making is one of the most heartwarming ways to kickstart your do-gooder ways.

There’s pretty much no limit as to where you can donate your time and efforts – volunteering to help out the elderly, cooking and delivering meals to the less fortunate or even giving lessons on skills you’ve got is such a fulfilling way to help enrich the lives of those around you.

If you’re looking to take meaningful steps in your post-high school life or switch up careers, sign up for ACU’s virtual open day to kick off your impact.