‘Bachie’ Fans Have Noticed Something Suss About Cassie’s Cringey Love Letter

The Bachelor 2018 has arguably the best cast of women the Australian series has ever seen.

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Honestly, there’s so many wildly entertaining individuals in the mix, it’s kind of hard to keep up.

Last night’s episode was full of spicy shit – from the three horsewomen of the apocalypse (Alicia, Cat and Romy) going in on Vanessa Sunshine for her piss-weak level of interest in the Honey Badger, to not one, but TWO kissed from the Badge.

But the absolute stand out was Cass reading out a love letter (!!!) from her diary (!!!) to the Badge.

The thing is, superfans have noticed there’s some, er, discrepancies with Cass’ diary.


So was Cass’ letter fed to her through an earpiece via a producer? Was it MEMORISED? Was it straight from the heart?We will never know.

As wild as this revelation is, we all know The Bachelor isn’t always raw, real events. Hello! UnREAL sorted that mentality out for us quick-smart. We’re fully aware producers get heavily involved here, and since they are super talented we frankly don’t care.

I’m personally a bit off the throwing-Cass-under-the-bus shit now (the poor girl clearly has actual feelings) but you can’t deny it’s brilliant casting and masterful producer bullshit.