Well, The Kimye Wedding Happened

It finally happened: after all the proposals in stadiums and rehearsal dinner at the Palace of Versailles with Lana Del Rey (you know, WEDDING STUFF), Kanye West and Kim Kardashian got married. Congration you done it!
Thanks to the investigative powers of a million celebrity gossip blogs, we know that Andrea Bocelli sang as Kim walked down the aisle, that they were married by Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr., a man who describes himself on Twitter as a “young adult pastor”, and that the ceremony was planned by celebrity event planner Sharon Sacks who previously did Kim’s wedding to Kris Humphries.
We also know, thanks to Twitter, that everything at the wedding was incredibly blurry:

Obviously, with an event this full of people who make their money from reality TV, there was always going to ~~~drama~~~. On this occasion it was provided by Rob Kardashian, who flew home on the morning of the wedding because Kim reportedly made a joke about his recent weight gain. According to x17 online, Kim asked all of her family members to wear Valentino couture to lunch, but Rob Kardashian didn’t fit into any of the clothes and told her he was sickened by her and Kanye’s display of wealth and clothes and beauty and called it “superficial bulls***”. Family! Can’t live with em.
A cute l’il drama garnish was also provided by Beyonce and Jay Z, who decided to skip the wedding for a weekend in the Hamptons and some quality time with Instagram: