Watch The Entire Nik Wallenda Grand Canyon Tightrope Walk

Warning: may induce vertigo.

With thanks to anxious Youtube user I Stealcoupons, we can now watch the entire irregular heartbeat inducing broadcast of Florida aerialist Nik Wallenda’s 400m tightrope crossing of the Little Colorado River Gorge in Arizona yesterday. All twenty terrifying minutes of it. The clip, now removed of the anxiety associated with wondering whether a human being was going to die on live national television, is actually quite soothing save for the sporadic “oh man” interjections from aforementioned anxious bro. Deep breaths now.

Wallendas, a seventh-generation high-wire artist and member of the infamous Flying Wallendas circus family, had his feat/feet broadcast live on The Discovery Channel where 13 million Americans obstructed their view with their fingers as he became the first person ever to cross the Grand Canyon on a tightrope.

After he told reporters that his next mission would be to walk between the Empire State building and the Chrysler building in New York. No word yet on what OG man on wire Philippe Petit thinks. We assume he’d approve.