WATCH: The ‘Deadpool’ Honest Trailer Is Here And It’s Meta As Fuck

The Honest Trailer for ridiculous smash hit ‘Deadpool‘ has arrived, and bonus twist: Deadpool is in it.

Not, as is the norm, in the same way other actors appear in their Honest Trailers, i.e. because they’re in the actual friggin’ movie. Nope, Ryan Reynolds himself donned his Deadpool morphsuit and cocky as shit personality and appears in the trailer, arguing with the Honest Trailer dude and basically being a jackass.

So fourth wall. So meta.

Why has he bothered, you ask? It’s just Ryan’s thing, hey. He just wanted to lend a…
Oh, hang on.

The film’s out on DVD + BluRay. Fair enough.

Whatever, we’ll play it. This is clever as shit.

Source: YouTube / Screen Junkies.