WATCH: ‘Married At First Sight’ Groom Brings Ex To Wedding, Chaos Erupts

Before they’d even met each other, ‘Married At First Sight‘ couple Andy and Craig had already gotten off to a shaky start, with Craig slowly losing his mind over the course of the day as a bunch of things went wrong.

Things, however, did get better for them, having definitely the cutest of all the entrances from tonight’s episode, before things shortly got extremely awkward again, before then getting better, before getting extremely awkward again, before once again, coming to rest at “pretty nice”.
The grooms had a very awkward ceremony, eventually outwardly mocking their celebrant, who seemed to be having a less than stellar time both keeping track of which of them was which and reigning the rowdy couple in. 
Then when it came times for the photo, we found out that Craig is quite a physical person and Andy is understandably a fan of having a modicum personal space from someone he met just 20 minutes ago – straight up requesting that Craig stop feeling his ass up at one point.
While this part was quite dismal, it was all redeemed when Craig gently soothed Andy throughout the torture the show decided to inflict on him by putting him in a helicopter and flying him up to a cliffside (it turns out he has a mondo fear of heights). Briefly, this tender moment put us into a state of lovely calm.
This calm however, was not destined to last. Everything went to shit when Craig introduced Andy to a friend of his – a friend who he also happened to have dated for 10 years. Despite the fact that the relationship ended 8 years ago, Andy was very, very distraught.
He’s smiling but his incredibly terrible impression of a macho British person betrays an inner turmoil that he immediately confirms by demanding a JD and coke: the traditional drink of anger.
To me, being upset that your partner / reality TV show husband invited someone they’ve known for at least 2 decades to their wedding seems just a tiiiiny bit insane. Luckily, a friend of Andy’s had similar thoughts.
They heartwarmingly reconcile, to the point that by the time they get back to the hotel room they are shooing the cameraman away so that they can do what I assume is some very wholesome hand-holding. Beautiful.
Source and photo: Channel 9.