Watch Leo Dance In “The Wolf Of Wall Street” Trailer

Because starring in just one motion picture as a super-rich money tree with slicked back hair and a really awesome suit collection isn’t adequately representative of just how awesome Leonardo DiCaprio’s lifestyle is right now, we now have the first official trailer for The Wolf Of Wall Street, which, like the first official trailer for The Great Gatsby, features the chest-thumping bravado of Kanye West, Leo’s virtuosic self-entitled asshole face and symbolic representations of money being showered upon the audience. But then real money, too. And midgets. And lobsters. And then more money.

In a role completely different from the last two rich guys he played, DiCaprio plays real life Wall Street hotshot Jordan Belfort who in the financial bedlam of the 1990s made somewhere in the vicinity of a million dollars a week by shouting at people on the phone and partying in a tuxedo like it’s 1999 before suffering some kind of Henry Hill-esque coke breakdown and being charged, convicted and jailed over some dodgy white collar practices. After he got out of jail he wrote two bestselling novels (The Wolf Of Wall Street and Catching The Wolf Of Wall Street) about how much of an asshole he was and can now say “Leonard DiCaprio played me in a movie”. So things are looking up again? Life’s like Wall Street, I guess. 

The film brings together HBO’s Boardwalk Empire creative team in writer Terrence Winter (The Sopranos) and director Martin Scorsese who again re-ups on DiCaprio after having previously worked together on Gangs of New York, The Aviator, The Departed and Shutter Island. The film also stars Jonah Hill, Matthew McConaughey, Margot Robbie, Jon Favreau, Kyle Chandler, Rob Reiner, Jean Dujardin and Spike Jonze.

Play it again, Leo.

The Wolf Of Wall Street opens November 15.