Tiff Scanlon Explains Her Insta Income To Prove Her Relationship’s Legit

The fact The Bachelor contestants Megan Leto Marx and Tiffany Scanlon fell in love on the show is almost unbelievable. Scanlon agrees – but that doesn’t mean she’s done defending her improbable relationship from claims it’s totally fake.

In a new piece for PopSugar, Scanlon has tackled accusations that her partnership with Leto Marx is a sham. In doing so, she’s directly refuted Bachie villain Keira McGuire‘s claim “they are faking their relationship.”

Scanlon writes “I’m just so tired of the same accusations coming up again and again,” despite the fact her self-described sexual fluidity “can be extremely difficult for people to comprehend.”
As for going public, Scanlon said the pair wanted to be “agents of change.” Instead, “by rocking the established boat, our intentions and integrity are constantly brought into question and we are constantly copping sh*t.
That “sh*t” includes the pair’s social media presence coming under scrutiny, with sponsored posts leading some to believe it’s all a publicity stunt. 
Not so, writes Scanlon. In reality, she says her fallback post-Bachie plan of working at a Catholic school was nuked due to her sexual orientation.

In turn, Scanlon writes “I want talk about the huge financial gains that Megan and I have NOT achieved,” and  “I now survive on the generosity of my family, and my fast-dwindling savings.

“So when Megan and I do get an occasional offer to do paid collaborations on social media, we accept them — and sometimes they are indeed staged photos taken by professional photographers, just like with many other social media influencers.

“This is not us trying to “cash in” or fake our relationship, but merely us trying to get by.”
While that still won’t be enough for the small cadre of Tiff-Megan Truthers, that candour of Scanlon’s take might put the whole deal into perspective for others. You can catch the whole piece here.