Here Are The Best Online Reactions To That Batshit Final Episode Of The Last Of Us

the last of us episode 9

And just like that, The Last of Us has aired its final episode for its first season, leaving everyone who watched with irreparable trauma, persistent daddy issues and a deep and unforgiving need for more. Job well done, HBO.

It feels like only yesterday when we were introduced to Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie (Bella Ramsey), watching them set off on an epic journey across a mushroom-ravaged America.

Last night’s finale was the shortest episode in the season and offered up a play-by-play of the video game with astonishing detail. Anyone who’s played the game probably wasn’t surprised by how fucked up everything gets at the end, but it’s still shocking to revisit.

A total of 8.2 million individuals sat down to watch the final episode of The Last of Us, breaking viewership records set by *checks notes* The Last of Us.

As someone who thought House of the Dragon was a shitstorm with wings, I’m glad to see that HBO has a new child in town snatching views.

Let’s not forget the show drew in all of those viewers while airing at the same time as the Oscars.

Now that’s an accomplishment.

Now let’s get into some Twitter reactions.

Fans of the game were elated to see Ashley Johnson on screen playing the role of Ellie’s mum.

For those who don’t know, Johnson is the voice of Ellie in the video games, which was a nice little throwback.

Others obsessed over the father-daughter dynamic between the pair hitting some sweet highs during the ep.

Joel finding the strength to move on from his daughter’s death thanks to Ellie? My heart is shattered glass.

And of course, there was the whole traumatic hospital scene in which Joel sacrifices multiple innocent lives just so Ellie can live on.

It’s an act driven by love and greed, and it’s very hard to watch.

And then you have the gut-punch ending in which Joel lies to Ellie’s face and tells her that everyone died because a bunch of “raiders” came in to attack them, but he luckily escaped in time.

Ellie asks Joel at the very end of the ep if this story was true, and he decides to double down on his fib.

Unfortunately we won’t be able to see where the hell this goes until 2025 at the earliest, which pains my soul.

Until then I guess I’ll just start watching The Mandalorian? I need to get my Pedro fix somehow.