Get Ready For The Best Zoom Sex Ever ’Coz There’s A Super Flower Moon In Scorpio Tonight

Feel like you’re reading about a new supermoon every few months? Well this will be the last one for a while as tonight’s flower moon is the final supermoon of the year and therefore it holds special significance.

It’s called a super flower moon because it appears in autumn when the flowers are wilting, apparently.

During a full moon, the sun and moon exactly oppose each other, and a supermoon occurs when the moon is closer to earth than usual, making it appear even bigger and brighter.

The moon will start to rise just after 5pm and, because of an optical illusion, will appear biggest as it rises from the horizon.

And that’s not all – if you didn’t catch parts of any meteors overnight, you could still be lucky in the early hours of tomorrow morning (between 2am and 5am) as the peak of the annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower go wild. This is the thickest part of Halley’s Comet’s long dust trail so it’s particularly pretty.

Now for the ~astrology~ side of things.

This wild lunar occurrence coincides with a Scorpio full moon which means we’re all going to be feeling horny as hell.

Expect wild, passionate love making with your significant other or saucy Zoom sex with that certain someone you’ve been cruising.

If neither of those options apply / appeal to you, how about the best party for one you’ve ever thrown?

Enjoy the horny energy, my thirsty friends.