Some Idiots Named Their Baby ‘Like’ After Facebook

Hey guys, remember when that man named his firstborn baby daughter ‘Facebook’? Now a new couple have taken meta one step too far by naming their child ‘Like’ after the ubiquitous facebook button.

The Sydney Morning Herald wrote, The parents lifted the name from the popular feature on the site, which allows Facebook users to click on the word “like” and give the thumbs-up to comments, links and pictures posted by other users. Clearly the new parents ‘like’ their baby, but they have forgotten about the various other uses for the word ‘Like’. I mean people named Richard don’t go around advertising themselves as ‘Dick’ because of the other meaning for that word.

Things are going to get confusing for poor Like if someone were to use ‘Like’ in the quotative way or as an adverb or conjunction.

Like’s dad said: “We named her Like because it’s modern and innovative. I checked that the name does not exist elsewhere in the country, that was the main condition for me.”

I’ve said before, getting creative with baby names is totally fine and in theory it’s a nice thing to do because it shows that parents believe their child is unique and special; but at times it feels as though some parents are deliberately trying to give their baby the most ‘unique’ name possible as some kind of cruel competition. Just ask Moon-Unit Zappa.