Shit Friday Morning? Be Grateful You’re Not This Guy, Adam Sandler’s Twin

If you think you’re having a bad day, then spare a thought for Max Kesller who is about to have a bad rest of his life.

Max Kesller is some random dude from the United States. Max Kesller is also the name of Adam Sandler‘s character in his new movie ‘The Do-Over‘, which if the last 40 Adam Sandler movies are anything to go by, is going to be a stinking turd of terrible cinema.

Oh – and Max Kesller is Adam Sandler’s MF doppelgänger.

Max uploaded the above pic to Reddit, and then had to follow up with not one but two pieces of evidence, because the internet tends to err on the side of bullshit.

Right now, Max’s post is the only thing in the top five of the front page of Reddit that isn’t related to Prince (sob), because while today is a terrible day in a terrible shitty year, things could always be worse.

You could look like this guy:

Source: Reddit.