Rookie Cop Error Logs Totally Made-Up Arrest On Harrison Ford’s Record

Being a celebrity has all sorts of perks – money, fame, money – but it also has its downsides. One you might not anticipate is that people doing data entry will often use your name as a placeholder because it’s obviously ridiculous.

Except for the times that it’s not ridiculous: apparently, as part of the police data entry training in Huntington Beach, California, you make some real entries in the real database using silly made up names and, apparently, one of those names was Harrison Ford‘s.
The cop in training logged an arrest for Harrison from earlier this month and forgot to delete it after finishing up, leaving it on his police record in the Huntington Beach Police Department database but nowhere else.
Before the police had cleared it up, TMZ was reporting that the arrest had been ‘planted’, which would have been some quite ironic The Fugitive-level intrigue.

The “arrest” was for drug possession and “inflicting corporal injury on a spouse or cohabitant”, the latter especially really not being something you want falsely on your record, so thank God they found it and cleared it up so fast. He wasn’t even in the country at the time, probably out pillaging temples or something.
Source: TMZ.
Photo: Youtube.