Internet Perverts Are Demanding The “Butthole Cut” Of ‘Cats’ Because God Has Abandoned Us


Today is day four of working from home and I am writing about buttholes. Not just any buttholes, but the buttholes belonging to the terrifying cats from Cats. The people of the internet are yearning for a “butthole cut” of Cats. But does it actually exist? Let us find out.

In these uncertain times, fans (or perhaps people just seeking a distraction) are literally begging on Twitter for this cursed version of the cat movie. That is the very simple gist.

Yesterday, presumably egged on by Seth Rogen‘s live-tweeting of the film, writer Ben Mekler told his followers that he desperately needs a “tell-all book about the making of CATS. It could really help me get through this”.

Screenwriter Jack Waz replied.

Can we just – “His entire job was to remove CGI buttholes that had been inserted a few months before.” So it appears that a butthole cut of Cats may exist. But it also may or may not mean someone spent hours adding buttholes to the likes of Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Idris ElbaTaylor Swift, James CordenRebel Wilson, Jennifer Hudson – the list goes on.

And thus, #ReleaseTheButtholeCut was born.

But wait, the plot thickens.

Mekler, who started all of this, received an email from a Cats VFX (visual effects) crew member who asked to remain anonymous.


Key takeaways:

  • Yes, there were… things that looked like buttholes. But said things were accidental. “There were a dozen or so shots where the skin and fur sim was groomed or just folded in a way that really REALLY looked like very furry lady genitals and buttholes by accident.”
  • 2D were tasked to paint over the “offending articles” when spotted.
  • At one point in time, a team huddled around a screen and said something like “does that look like a fanny to you?”

I don’t know what to do with this information. But I’ll conclude this yarn with Mekler’s reaction to the anonymous email: “I don’t know why some of you are reacting to this with disappointment when to me the takeaway is ‘there were also cut pussies’”.

I hate it. I hate it so much.