Pedestrian’s Favourite Memes Of 2013

What’s in a name? That which we call a meme

By any other name would waste as much time.

Ever since ‘meme’ has come to loosely cover pretty much any dumb picture on the innernet and older members of society struggle to understand its significance, we seem to have lost sight of what it actually means to even meme/lift. Looks like she wants the Urban D: meme (noun) 1. an idea, belief or belief system, or pattern of behavior that spreads throughout a culture either vertically by cultural inheritance (as by parents to children) or horizontally by cultural acquisition (as by peers, information media, and entertainment media).

For the purpose of our ‘meme year in review’ we’ve included any that, even if they didn’t exactly begin this year, peaked in popularity, burrowed deep within the collective conscious and changed the way we spoke throughout 2013.
[wow. much zeitgeist. many relevunce. yr of our lorde. so not 5 minutz ago]

So, without further adickingaround, here are some of the .jpegs that saw a worldwide internet mimicry and made us lol/exhale heavily out of our nose holes:


It’s one of those things that make you question how other people’s brains work; you can’t help but wonder how the fuck someone thought to float a spoonful of cereal in front of handsome actor Ryan Gosling. While it didn’t see much replication, it continues to stand alone as a perfect moment in Vine history, beloved by many and forgotten by none. The original:



An episode of Highway Patrol is filmed and a national hero is born #mateship. You can’t help but wish you were the m8 this charming fuckhead was w8ing for…

The gripping Original Full Length Video:

Yes, it’s a TV show but it’s so much more than that. We can all agree that due to its general excellence, incredible popularity and extreme memeability the whole show got a meme rub down, buff and polish. Have an A1 Day 😀

moar high res pizza comic here.


In a show of textbook Streisand Effect, an attempt by the team behind Queen Bey to hide / remove / censor a piece of information had the unintended consequence of publicising the information more widely. In February 2013, after Beyonce’s Super Bowl halftime show
Buzzfeed published ‘The 33 Fiercest Moments From Beyoncé’s Halftime Show‘ and were immediately sent an email by ‘schure media’ (who rly need to sort out their logo/branding situation), which they obviously published, that read:

Good one, idiots. And so, of course, they posted a follow up story ‘The “Unflattering” Photos Beyoncé’s Publicist Doesn’t Want You To See‘ and the internet took the pictures and ran (into the waiting arms of Adobe Photoshop) with them:


We did a pretty srs dissertation on this already, so we’re not going to go into it too much. Suffice to say, goats screaming like humans placed over pop songs was definitely a defining moment in human/goat history:


Riddle me this –


This year, not unlike Breaking Bad, Miley Cyrus became a prolific meme muse. From her spectacular performance at the MTV Video Music Awards, to her video clips, to every fucking thing she does, guaranteed the internet has reacted to it visually:

It was a few years ago now that the TYRONE picture did the rounds but it started something, something that has shaped the way we inner monologue. Not since lol cats has text over an image had such a profound impact on our ‘sense of humour’. Guys, I don’t know about y’all, but I now come across borderline illiterate because of this shit…



The comic sans renaissance was riding high, internet prosperity rained down upon any bold enough to present their comic incarnation to their internet peers for judgement, when a wild bloge appearedshibe confessions – and doge became synonymous with muchmanywow things:

Meme That Must Never Be Named: Harlem Shake

Honourable Mentions: Unimpressed Chloe, Pretty Girls – Ugly Faces, Dogs/Cats in Tights, Celebrities Without Teeth, Hadoukening, Surprised Patrick, Russian Meteor, let me explain you a thing, Drake the type…, Les Mean Girls, BITCH I MIGHT BE.