Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson Find Credible Work

Don’t get me wrong, I love me a good bimbo. In fact the only thing that trumps a ditsy bimbo in my “things that are awesome” list is a ditsy himbo – they make me feel better about myself.

But bimbos have their place, and that place is on the covers of trash mags and in spew-laden gutters outside dodgy bars. Some bimbos however, are dusting off the carrot chunks and restoring faith in the good bimbo name by working with credible artists.

First off, it has been reported that Todd Solondz has cast Paris Hilton in his latest film. For people who don’t know who Todd Solondz is, it’s the musical equivalent of Sonic Youth getting William Hung to guest on a track. According to The Hollywood Reporter: The indie filmmaker’s newest project, which willl be financed and produced by the Minnesota-based inside Werc Werk Works, has cast Allison Janney, Charlotte Rampling and Paris Hilton as part of its ensemble cast…The movie will take off on elements from the director’s breakout “Happiness,” in a project producers are describing as a “part-sequel, part-variation” on that film.

If we’ve learned anything from Paris’ most notable grainy/night vision film role, it’s that she loves to tackle a challenge head on. Speaking of celebrity sex tapes, our second “bimbo working with a credible artist” is none other than Pamela Anderson. The Cut reports that: Pamela Anderson will star in the next Vivienne Westwood campaign, shot in a trailer park. Now I know that Westwood is an idiosyncratic visionary but Pamela Anderson? Her chest could be used as the set for an avant garde photo shoot.

What is the world coming to? Say no to bimbos!