Ninja Assassin Trailer

The trailer for the forthcoming Ninja Assassin, which we can only assume is about ninjas and assassins, utilizes some stock standard “epic action film” plot devices. There’s 300’s rigorous childhood training, Batman Begins’ sensei betrayal, Jason Bourne’s “me against the world” man on the run plight and the martial arts standard whereby archaic weapons and plain old fisticuffs trump guns and bombs. Though thankfully not in any cheesy Steven Segal way.

Directed by James McTeigue (V For Vendetta) Ninja Assassin (is one of those words redundant?) follows Raizo a street-kid turned “deadliest assassin in the world” as he exacts revenge on the very clan he trained with (they killed his best friend). Lots of fireballs, screaming in the rain, clashing metal, conflicted stares and cerebral ninja shit ensues. Looks like an epic action winner to us, now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to act out my ninja fantasies and throw frisbees at letterboxes.