Mark Latham Calls Kochie A “Dickhead”, Pot Calls Kettle “Black”

Because nothing wakes you up in the morning quite like three middle-aged white men bickering about money, Sunrise produced inarguably the tri-split screen most likely to own a crystal decanter full of Christmas-only port/maintain a national ranking in competitive baccarat/refer to home as “The Lodge.
Reporting on the Federal Budget from Canberra, David Koch crossed live to representatives from both sides of the political coin: former Liberal Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett, and former Federal Labor leader Mark Latham. Hey, HEY. Wake up. *snaps fingers* We’ll get through this together.
As you’d expect from such blokes who pride themselves on their blokeiness, things quickly devolved into a pissing contest about who is more qualified to shout the loudest about things.
Latham, unsurprisingly, won with ease – mic dropping Kochie after some particularly spiriting bickering, noting the following gem:
It’s all about dickheads talkin’ about stuff they know nothing about, that’s what it’s about.”

Meanwhile Kennett’s smiling coyly in the middle there all like “BOYS, BOYS, STOP. YOU CAN BOTH MARRY ME.
The Australian political ballet goes on.