Malefiftycent is Your New Favourite Disney Villain

50 Cent is kind of crushing it lately, right? Between throwing terrible baseball pitches, admitting that he masturbates excessively and having his entourage rob dudes while he performs, you’d think he wouldn’t have the time to become a full-fledged Disney villain.

Think again.

Fiddy went on Jimmy Kimmel‘s show last night to premiere his own take on breakout hit Malificent, which is currently at the top of the US box office. Needless to say, his version looks a lot more entertaining.

Here’s hoping this rappers-as-Disney-villains trend becomes a full-fledged thing. I’m hanging out for Scarnye and Snoopella De Vil next.

[Update: A big thank you to eagle-eyed Twitter user @tynydancer for a heads-up about that very unfortunate typo, which is now fixed, you grots].

via YouTube