‘MAFS’ Expert John Called Bullshit On Steve And Mishel’s Relationship & Twitter Is Frothing

Contributor: PEDESTRIAN.TV

The final MAFS commitment ceremony has come and gone, but not without the couples producing enough emotional toing and froing to give us all whiplash. Everyone chose whether to renew their vows or yeet themselves out of the show. Michael and Stacey decided to go ahead with that inevitable long-distance situation, Steve and Mishel were given a hefty intervention about their obvious friendship and Connie bamboozled us all (including Jon) by writing stay. That’s the TL;DR version – head on over to our full episode recap here.

Now, I think it’s no secret that many of us watch MAFS purely to enjoy MAFS Twitter.

So let’s vicariously live through all the drama by checking out the Twitter highlights (which mostly consists of praise for relationship expert John, who delivered some pretty hard truths to Steve and Mishel, and preaching the things we’d been thinking for way too long).


Also, I know this is a few days old but, from here on in, I will be including a screenshot of KC’s pooch in every Twitter round-up. Because KC’s pooch deserves it.


Emotions are runnings bloody high right now. Thank Christ we only tomorrow’s episode before a much-needed break.