Katy Faust’s Q&A Appearance Has Now Been Fact Checked

Partially acclaimed extremist Katy Faust was recently in the country and graciously left a slimy trail of bigotry in her wake for The Conversation to dutifully FactCheck.

Her appearance on Q&A, and arguments in general, basically reiterate the following sentiment: ‘I was raised by my mum who is now in a same-sex relationship, and I am against marriage equality.’ 

Faust’s own particular brand of zealotry originally came from beneath a veil of anonymity via her asktheBigot blog, until a fellow blogger revealed her identity: “I wouldn’t be having this interview with you today, because I never intended to be involved in the legal fight, but because I was outed in the name of love and tolerance, I am talking with you today.” And talk she did. [You can watch the whole episode HERE

And so we:

And then they:

Katy Faust sent through all of the research she supposedly based her assertions on – ‘Full Response From Traditional Marriage Advocate, Katy Faust’ – but noted that because she had compiled it “in transit with spotty wifi, and because there is so much material on this, this list is going to be incomplete.” 

And then The Conversation went to work to ‘FactCheck Q&A: Was Katy Faust Correct On Same-Sex Family Studies And Kids’ Rights?‘. They acknowledged the limitations in this field of study and the social science research that supports “a number of Katy Faust’s claims about non-biological parents”, but concluded:

“When considering studies that make appropriate, like-for-like comparisons, the overwhelming weight of evidence indicates that children with same-sex attracted parents are developing well – even when taking into account the acknowledged limitations of social science research.

Finally, there is nothing in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to say that children have the right to a mother and a father.”